
波长:1064 /1053,532/526.5,355/351 nm,266/263 nm




  • 脉冲能量高达80mJ,平均输出功率高达2w。
  • 高达100Hz重频。
  • 风冷(无水)。
  • 5-10 ns 脉宽。
  • 10 ns – 100 ms时间分离。
  • 时间分离独立的延时器。
  • 泵浦二极管的寿命为2 g。
  • 内置同步脉冲发生器,用于触发用户设备。
  • 通过内置以太网接口进行远程监控。
  • 可选第二,第三,第四或第五独立谐波发生器。
  • 可选的附加衰减器基本波长。
  • 每个通道可选附加脉冲能量监视器。
  • 可选<3 ns脉冲持续时间高达40 mJ脉冲能量(短腔版本)。



激光可以配置为总高达160mJ脉冲能量在10Hz重复率脉冲。在高重复频率配置下,激光在100 Hz重复频率下可产生40J的总脉冲能量。该激光器可以配置为分别从Nd:YLF或Nd:YAG激光晶体发射1053 nm或1064 nm波长的激光。当配置为1053 nm时,激光器可以从单次射击到最大脉冲重复率,而不会显着改变光束发散或轮廓。

我们激光设计紧凑,用户友好的交钥匙系统,需要很少的维护。没有冷冻机,也没有需要放在桌子底下的笨重电源。所有激光电子设备都集成到Q-DOUBLE外壳中,唯一的外部模块是电源适配器,提供12或28 VDC, 50-200 W功率(取决于型号)。



  • 内置高达四次谐波发生器。
  • 基本波长内置电动衰减器。
  • 内置脉冲能量监视器与模拟和/或数字输出。
  • 独立空气净化装置。
  • 红色或绿色光束引导模块。

参数 1)








Wavelength, nm

1053 nm

1053 or 1064 nm

1064 nm

Pulse repetition rate 2)

10 Hz

20 Hz

33 Hz

50 Hz

100 Hz

Pulse energy

80 mJ

60 mJ

40 mJ

20 mJ

Typical pulse duration 3)

<5 ns

<7 ns

Pulse energy stability 4)

< 0.5 % RMS

Power drift 5)

± 3.0 %

Beam profile

Bell-shaped, >80% fit to Gaussian

Beam divergence 6)

<1 mrad


Linear, horizontal

Typical beam diameter 7)

4.0 mm

3.5 mm

Jitter 8)

< 0.5 ns RMS

Optional harmonics generator 9)
Pulse energy
526.5/532 nm

40 mJ

35 mJ

30 mJ

20 mJ

10 mJ

351/355 nm

24 mJ

20 mJ

18 mJ

12 mJ

6 mJ

263/266 nm

12 mJ

10 mJ

10 mJ

6 mJ

3 mJ

Optional attenuator 10)
Transmission range

0.5 – 95 %

1 – 95 %

Laser head ( W×L×H)

390× 620 × 153 mm3

Power adapter (W×L×H) 11)

192 × 178 × 46 mm3 typical

Operating requirements

Cooling requirements

Air cooled

Ambient temperature

15 – 30 ºC

Relative humidity

10 – 80 % (non-condensing)

Mains voltage

90-230 VAC, single phase, 47-63 Hz 12)

Average power consumption

120 W

160 W

200 W

1. Due to continuous improvements all specifications are subject to change. Unless stated otherwise all specifications are measured at fundamental wavelength and maximum pulse repetition rate. The parameters marked typical are not specifications. They are indications of typical performance and will vary with each unit we manufacture.
2. Factory-set pulse repetition rate is fixed at max repetition rate shown in the table.
3. At FWHM level at fundamental wavelength, measured with 350 ps rise time photodiode. Short pulse duration version is available, with pulse duration shorter by approx 50%. Inquire for detailed specifications.
4. Measured during 30 seconds operation after laser warm-up.
5. Over 8 hour period after 20 minutes of warm-up when ambient temperature variation is less than ±2 °C.
6. Full angle measured at the 4σ level.
7. Beam diameter is measured 20 cm from laser output at the 4σ level.
8. In respect to falling edge of pump diode triggering pulse.
9. Q-DOUBLE is compatible with all models of stand-alone H-SMART harmonics generator. Pulse energies presented here are maximum values. Please refer to H-SMART harmonic generator datasheets for detailed specifications.
10. Motorized attenuator is build into the laser housing. Transmission can be changed remotely trough laser web-server control interface.
11. Power adapter dimensions might differ from indicated here, depending on model.
12. Laser can be powered from appropriate 12 or 28 VDC power source. Please inquire for details.

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